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Dead or Dormant? 8 Questions to Ask to Find Your Answer

March 5, 2024

Trees can really add to the scenery around your home, especially when spring first arrives and they grow their leaves again. But, like other living things, they can get sick and even die. There are other times, however, when trees go into a dormant state and can trick someone into believing they need tree removal services. How can you tell the difference? Here are a few things to look out for!

1. What’s Going on With the Buds?

When a tree goes dormant, you will still see new buds show up on the stems of the trees. They will usually be green, but they can also be brown or even dark red. If you see this, then you'll know that the tree is alive and simply sleeping, so to speak. If there aren't any buds at all, then that is a strong indicator that the tree has died. Before taking things into your own hands, however, contact professional tree removal and care experts to make that call.

2. Do You See Cambium?

First, let's answer the question of what cambium is. It's essentially the third layer of the tree, right behind both the outer and inner bark. People also call it the cambium cell layer. This is what helps the tree grow, since it makes new bark and new wood. Second, let's check the cambium. If you perform the "snap-snatch" test where you make a small hole through the bark to the cambium and you see that the cambium is green, then that's good. It means that the tree is dormant. If the cambium is dry, then it means that the tree is dead. If it's the second, then you want to have a professional come inspect it and then remove it.

3. Is There New Bark?

A healthy tree is going to continuously make more bark. It's part of the entire process that keeps the tree alive. If you see that the tree is having trouble making new bark or if it hasn't done it for a while, then this is another sign that the tree is dead or is on its way to dying. You could have a tree expert look at it and see if there are any options to possibly save it or if it's better just to have the tree removed from your property. You don't want to waste time and effort to try to save something that can't be saved.

4. What Is the State of the Roots and Soil Under the Tree?

Here's another big indicator that your tree could be in a bad state. Are there mushrooms or other fungi growing around the base of the trunk? That's usually a sign that something's going on that's affecting the health of your tree. You might need to call a tree removal service if you see that around your tree. There's bound to be experts in your area. In fact, according to Zippia, there are over 8,250 arborists in America. Another thing you can do is dig around the soil by the tree and see if you see any rotten or damaged roots. If that's the case, then the tree's not going to be living for much longer. Again, that would mean you need to bring in professionals to inspect it themselves and ensure that the tree is dead before removing it from your property.

5. How Does the Trunk Look?

You want your tree's trunk to be in great shape since it holds up all the branches and also carries the water from the roots throughout the tree to keep it hydrated. If certain things happen to it, it could endanger the tree's overall health. There are a few things that you want to be on the lookout for. Are there cavities in the trunk? Do you see cracks or splits in it that could wind up with the tree breaking or even collapsing? Are there missing patches of bark? That's usually an indication that there's fungi on the tree. If you see a long streak of missing bark, then lightning might have hit it. Brown leaves that don't shed are another sign that the tree's likely dead.

6. What Are the Other Signs to Look For?

Those aren't the only things that can show you whether a tree is dormant or if you need to bring in a tree removal service as soon as possible. Do you see deep cavities at the base of the tree? Are there dead branches near the tree? If you see sawdust at the tree's base, that means termites and ants have set up a home there. The problem with that is that they can weaken the overall integrity of the tree and cause it to collapse.

7. Why Is It So Important to Know if a Tree Is Dead?

Having a dead tree in your yard is far more than just an eyesore. It can be dangerous to you or other people. Also, you don't want to wake up and find that the vehicle that you need to get to work is crushed under a dead tree that fell overnight. If a dead tree falls and hurts someone or worse and it was on your property, you could possibly be found liable depending on the circumstances.

Another reason is that the tree could be sick with a disease that could affect other trees and cause them to get sick and die themselves. By getting rid of the tree that's already dead, you're reducing the chances of that happening. Once the dead tree is gone, you could have a tree expert come inspect the rest of the trees in your yard to make sure that you're not going to be facing other sick or dead trees.

8. What Do I Do Next?

Naturally, if a tree is dormant, then your best course of action is to do nothing. It's part of the tree's yearly rhythm of life, along with other plants and even some animals. They shut down for the late fall and winter and then come back to life in spring. There's something wonderful about seeing the first buds growing on the trees. It's a time of renewal and hope. You can enjoy that feeling yourself.

You need to be very diligent when it comes to maintaining the trees that are on your property. Have an expert regularly prune them to make sure that they have healthy branches and that it will continue to grow. Trees are capable of living for hundreds of years. You need to be their best caretaker to ensure that they can do just that.

Unless you're a tree expert yourself, you should leave things like tree removal to the professionals. That's because you could make a mistake and have it fall somewhere you don't want it to. If someone got hurt because of that, then you could be in serious financial trouble. Leave the removal to the experts.

Trees do die, though. It's a part of life. The best thing that you can do is remove them at this point. That way, you can do something like planting a sapling so that another tree can take its place. Then you'll be able to look at your yard of healthy trees and enjoy the sight for many more years to come.

If you do have dead trees, it's important to clear them out. Otherwise, they can be a potential safety hazard. We can provide tree removal services for you, even on an emergency basis. Our skilled tree experts can also trim dormant trees. Contact Eduardo's Tree Service today to learn more about what we can do for you.

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